The key to transforming your body in 2013!

. . . “Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.”

This is the key to any successful and dramatic physique transformation. Let me explain…

Where you are now, is your comfort zone. Your health and fitness goals are where you want to be.

So by definition, your goals are outside of your comfort zone – if they weren’t, then you’d have accomplished them by now…

Which means that in order to achieve the body you want (or any other worthwhile goal in your life) you’re going to have to venture outside of that safe, warm, cozy comfort zone and experience some discomfort.

When it comes to a fitter, more toned body, it means you’ll have to experience the discomfort of hunger from time to time… it means you’ll have to push yourself in your workouts, and keep pushing even when your muscles are burning and crying for rest.

… It means you’ll have to follow your nutrition plan – even on the days you feel like eating pizza and ice cream (or whatever your “sinful” indulgence is).

… And it means you’ll have to adapt and reasses when things don’t go according to plan or life throws a curveball at you to see if you’re paying attention.

Getting uncomfortable is what makes us grow. It’s what makes us change for the better. So the sooner you come to terms with it, the sooner you’ll have that rockin’ bod! :)

The trick to all this, of course, is being able to do those uncomfortable things on a regular basis… and stop yourself from slipping into old habits that are in your comfort zone.

That’s why I’ve included four tips you can start using today to achieve your fitness goals this year and make “get comfortable with being uncomfortable” your everyday reality:

1. Hold yourself accountable. This is probably the best way to make sure you do the things that are uncomfortable until you reach your goal. Being obligated to someone else (a coach, mentor, or workout buddy) will give you the mental strength to pull through when things get hard and very uncomfortable. In fact, one study published in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine looked at how much better we perform when we have an exercise partner. Researchers divided 58 women into three groups. One group exercised on their own on a stationary bike. The second group worked out on a video-game style exercise bike, with a virtual partner. The bike displayed a “live” feed of their partner working out on a similar bike, along with the partner’s progress. The third group exercised with a virtual partner, but this time they worked together as a team on a common goal.

The result?

Those exercising with a virtual parner individually or as a team DOUBLED their performance and reported no loss of motivation, compared to the gorup that exercised alone. [1]

2. Know your WHY. Knowing WHY you want to achieve your dream body will go a long way to helping you achieve it. It will pull you through in those tough moments. And the good news is, the science backs this up. A study published in the Journal of Consumer Research found that people who solely focus on HOW to achieve a goal have a much tougher time accomplishing it compared to those who regularly think about WHY they want the goal. [2]

3. Feel the fear and do it anyway. Many times the things that are uncomfortable to you are the things you fear. The only way to get past those fears is to face them head on. So maybe you’ve been putting off joining a gym, hiring a personal trainer, or getting serious about your physique goals. Try and figure out what it is you’ve been fearing… maybe you fear you’re already too busy and adding something else to the mix will stress you out… maybe you think you can’t afford it… maybe you’re afraid that working out will be painful. Whatever it is, do as bestselling author Dr. Susan Jeffers suggests, and “feel the fear and do it anyway.”

4. Plan your reactions in advance. Decide in advance how you’ll handle situations where you’re tempted to “give in” to things that are in your comfort zone. This will make sure you stay “uncomfortable” and on track to reach your goal.

So there you have it. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable in 2013 and you’re bound to achieve your dream body!

Oh and by the way, if you’re serious about getting a little uncomfortable and taking your health and fitness to the next level this year, why not take advantage of your FREE Fitness Consultation? (an $87 value)

During this consult, you’ll receive detailed information on how to get fit and trim that’s tailored to YOUR body.

There’s no obligation and it’s totally and completely free. To sign up, click here

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Hi, My name is Holly Abrams. My trainer’s name is Damien Woodson. I have worked with other trainers before, but let me tell you something, “Damien is the first one to ever: A – Give me results B – Made me sweat like nobody’s business, it’s not even funny and C – He made it . .…
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