Most folks don’t know this. But whether you’re man or woman, one of the biggest secrets to burning fat is to build some muscle.
Sounds crazy, I know. But it’s absolutely true. The more muscle you have, the more calories you’ll burn — even while you’re on the couch watching television.
Below are a few easy ways to start building muscle and burning fat like never before.
Build Muscle and Burn Fat From The Comfort Of Your Own Home
If you want that ‘ultimate’ beach body, building a little muscle will help you get there.
There are two main reasons for this:
1. Muscle is what gives you body that lean, sleek, sexy look.
2. The more muscle you have, the more calories — and ultimately body fat — your body will burn.
Now if you’re a woman reading this, I know what you might be thinking … “I don’t want to build muscle and get big and bulky.”
Rest easy. It’s not easy for women to build that degree of muscle. What’s more, building muscle for a woman is what gives her that toned, tight, sexy look.
So don’t worry. Even if you do put on a few pounds of muscle, you won’t look like Arnold back in his glory days!
So what can you do to build muscle?
Easy. Start with these simple exercises you can do in the comfort of your own home:
Hindu Squats – place your feet shoulder width apart. Straighten your arms in front of you, palms facing down. Inhale and as you do pull your hands straight back. Now bend your knees and squat. As you do this exhale and let your arms fall to your sides and touch the ground. Now straighten your knees back to the starting position: standing straight up with your arms extended in front of you.
Jump Squats — Start in a crouching position, knees bent and in a full squat. Now quickly straighten your legs and jump upward as high as you can. As you jump, look up and extend your arms towards the ceiling. Soften your landing by landing toes first, then placing the heel on the ground. Now squat back down to the starting position.
Pushups — Lie face down. Place your palms flat on the floor, a little more than shoulder width apart. Extend your legs behind you and make sure they are together. Keep your back straight and lower yourself until your nose almost touches the ground. Now push yourself back up to the starting position.
There you have it. Three exercises you can do today (even as soon as you’re done reading this!) that will help you build muscle and burn fat.
If you want, you can do these in rounds. Start by doing 20 Hindu squats, take no rest and move straight into 20 jump squats, and then immediately go into 20 pushups.
(if you can’t do that many, then do as many reps as you can for each exercise. Then gradually build up.)
Once you’re done with this superset, rest a minute or two. Then repeat 2 – 4 more times.
Do this, and I guarantee you’ll be huffing and puffing in no time. But best of all, you’ll be on the path to creating the “beach body” you’ve always wanted.
Oh and by the way — if you haven’t already, make sure you claim your FREE fitness consultation (an $87 value)
You’ll meet one-on-one with a highly-trained health professional. You’ll discuss specific nutrition and exercise techniques you can use for YOUR body to start seeing amazing results in just a few weeks.
Learn how this 47 year old lost 6% body fat and 20lbs. |
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Heidi had a bad back, arthritis and carpal tunnel. She lost 6% of her body fat in the first 6 weeks and lost a total of 20 lbs (and has kept it off!). Best part, she had her glass of red wine with dinner every night and still does! | |
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